Water Safety filtration

When you think of water filters, the first thing that might come to mind is a Brita. And while nothing beats a cold glass of filtered water, we at Lehigh Valley Water Systems think bigger. We offer a variety of options to ensure you that your water is safe and clean to use. Here are five of our water conditioning products to cleanse your water.

Whole House Filter Prep with 2510 1” Control Value

When it comes to versatility, it is hard to beat a Filter Prep water filtration system. Believe it or not, the water you currently use might have chemicals from sources like pesticides, solvents, and petroleum. Things like mercury, lead, or various heavy metals could be in it. Not for long with Filter Prep, as it clears out these particles thanks to an array of units. Enjoy a much cleaner and healthier water with this, regardless of the use.

Ultraviolet Purification

While we might not be harnessing the direct power of the sun, Lehigh Valley Water Systems is able to use ultraviolet rays to make your water cleaner. The UV rays will attack any infectious microorganisms that contaminate your water, which will affect their ability to reproduce. If you think your water may contain bacteria/viruses like E. Coli, cryptosporidium, giardia, or others, then a UV system might be for you. Low energy use and chemical free, an Ultraviolet Purification system eliminates up to 99.99% of waterborne microorganisms.

Acid Neutralizer System

For concerns of acidic water or water with PH below 7, an Acid Neutralizer System is what you need. As one of the most common water quality issues in the Lehigh Valley for our customers on a well, the Acid Neutralizer System is practically maintenance free. The internal media of the system is customizable for whatever the PH levels might be, as well as the size of the household. The best part: Acid Neutralizer Systems do not use any harsh chemicals.

Whole House Cartridge Filter

Want to be involved in changing your filter? With the Whole House Cartridge Filter, customers will be able to change the internal filter themselves when needed. You will be able to tell without an issue if the filter needs to be changed thanks to the cartridge’s see-through appearance. To make it easier, we supply the initial installation, a set of extra filters, and a wrench that makes changing it painless.

AIO3 Ozone Generator

For a natural, chemical free process, choose the AIO3 Ozone Generator for its ozone oxidation. It produces zero wastewater while also producing oxygen molecules. Compared to other disinfectants, there is no competition when it comes to Ozone. Whether it be bacteria, fungi, viruses, or parasites, Ozone will take care of it. Occurring from a combination of sunlight, UV rays, and lightning, this is a natural way of keeping bacteria growth under control.

Interested in one of these water filter systems? Head over to our contact page to get in touch with us about installing one in your home!